2014 04 19 Mike Polioudakis Using Liebnitz’s derivative notation Newton invented the “prime” (‘ and ‘’ and ‘’’) notation for derivatives. Liebnitz invented the notation most used today: d/dx d2/x2 d3/x3 and etc. The world adopted Liebnitz’ notation, mostly because his notation is intuitive and it helps in solving some problems. I need help understanding how it helps. Mathematicians sometimes treat “d/dx” as a literal fraction, split up the “d” from the “dx”, and then manipulate the two quantities. I can usually understand when a mathematician does this. I can’t see in advance when I could do it to make my own work easier. I can’t always understand how a mathematician saw it in before he-she set to work on a problem. I need practice working problems where this technique is used. Hopefully the problems start out simple and get more complex. Hopefully there are a lot of simple problems. If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate it. I think this knowledge, and the resultant skill, would be useful to other people. If I get enough examples, and make up a lot of examples of my own, I will either put it all on this website, or publish it in some other venue. If you help me, I gladly will acknowledge your help in appropriate detail.